Notes for An Invitation to 3-D Vision.

Correspondence of geometric features

Corresponding points: projections of the same point in space.

Methods: analyzing context and neighboring structures in the image and prior information on the content of the scene.

Existing problems

  • Correspondence based on local photometric information is prone to ambiguity.
  • Some points do not have a correspodent at all due to occlusions.

photometric features → geometric primitives

matching points → matching windows: minimize some discrepancy measure between their labels

Blank wall / aperture problem: the brightness profile within a selected region is not rich enough to recover the chosen transformation uniquely.

“features”: regions for which the correspondence problem can be solved.

Matching point features

Point feature

We can define a pixel $x$ to be a point feature if there exists a neighborhood $W(x)$ such that the equations

uniquely determine the parameter $\alpha$. Such conditions would require that $I_1$ and $I_2$ at least have nonzero gradient (considering the example of blank wall).

$h$: the transfromation of the domain, or “image motion”.

$\alpha$: a set of parameters on which the transformations depend, $\alpha =\Delta x$ for the translational model, and $\alpha = \{ A,d \} $ for the affine motion model.

Line feature

Similarly, we can define a line feature as a line segment with a support region and a collection of labels such that the orientation and normal displacement of the transformed line can be uniquely determined from the equation above.

Small baseline: feature tracking and optical flow

model: translational

criterion: sum of squared differences (SSD)

  • optical flow: fix our attention at a particular image location $\bar{x}$ and compute the velocity of “particle flowing” through that pixel
  • feature tracking: fix our attention at a particular particle $x(t)$ and compute the velocity as it moves through the image domain

Problem: estimation error resulting from matching templates between two adjacent frames accumulates in time, which leads to eventually losing track of the originally selected features.

Large baseline: affine model and normalized cross-correlation

key idea: to solve the problem above, one could match image regions between the initial frame and the current frame

model: affine

criterion: normalized cross-correlation (NCC) because SSD is not invariant to scalings and shifts in image intensities

Point feature selection

How to compute the image gradient $\nabla I=[I_x,I_y]^T$ ?

A corner feature is the virtual intersection of local edges.


Tracking line features

Edge feature

The gradient norm $||\nabla I||$ reaches a local maximum compared to its neighboring pixels.


Line fitting

connected component analysis: group neighboring pixels with common gradient orientation to form a connected contour or more specifically a candidate line $l$.

Each connected component $C^k$ is a list of edge pixels $\{(x_i,y_i)\}^n_{i=1}$, which are connected and grouped based on their gradient orientation, forming a line support region, say $W(l)$. The line parameters can then be directly computed from the eigenvalues $\lambda_1, \lambda_2$ and eigenvectors $v_1,v_2$ of the matrix $D^k$ associated with the line support region:

where $\tilde{x}=x_i-\bar{x}$ and $\tilde{y}=y_i-\bar{y}$ are the mean-corrected pixel coordinates of every pixel $(x_i,y_i)$ in the connected component.

Point $(x,y)$ on a line must satisfy an equation of the form


The unit eigenvector $v_1$ (corresponding to the larger eigenvalues $\lambda_1$) is of the form $v_1=[cos(\theta),sin(\theta)]^T$. Then, parameters of the line $l:(\rho,\theta)$ are determined from $v_1$ as

where $(\bar{x},\bar{y})$ is the midpoint of the line segment.


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